J'ouvre un topic consacré à l'adaptation du Talisman...
ça n'est un secret pour personne, le roman sera tourné pour la Tv au format mini-série d'environ 6 heures (sans doute 2X3 heures ou 3X2 heures, peu importe.)
Voici une lettre ouverte à Spielberg & Cie rédigée par le webmaster de thedarktower.net J'ai trouvé ce texte très touchant, clair et bien écrit ; je ne rentre pas dans la bataille car le Talisman n'a jamais été mon livre de chevet, même si je l'aime beaucoup, mais je sais que quand viendra l'heure, j'aimerais que quelque rédige le même type de lettre à l'attention de ceux qui se lanceront dans l'adaptation de la Tour Sombre.
Et si personne ne le fait, ben je m'en chargerais...
Dear TNT and DreamWorks,
Let me first preface this message by stating that I am in no way trying to be malicious, sarcastic, or attempting to make a joke (although I will use humor to convey my point). I am writing this because, like many other Stephen King readers, The Talisman is the favorite book on my shelf. In light of this, I beg you, on my hands and knees, to give The Talisman television event the special treatment it deserves. Personally, it was the book that made me fall in love with reading. I was a boy of eleven with no interest in reading, until one day my mother handed me the book. It took me to a place of absolute magic and I feel the same regardless of how many times I read the book. To me, The Talisman is what Harry Potter is to millions of other readers.
I will be frank here, and please keep in mind that I am not trying to be insulting. The cold hard truth is that every single Stephen King television adaptation has fallen very short of capturing the brilliance and quality of the book. Recently, we had Desperation, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, and the re-telling of 'Salems Lot. It goes without saying that these adaptations were not well-accepted by fans. The good thing is those books aren't close enough to most fans' hearts for it to matter. However, this is definitely not the case with The Talisman. Along with The Dark Tower, the book is very near and dear to the hearts of Stephen King's readers, Peter Straub's readers, and fans of science fiction and horror in general.
I know I am just some guy who runs a web site, but I know exactly why most screen adaptations are not well-received. Please consider the following advice:
1) Don't go for the money - The fact that Stephen Spielberg is producing it alone will draw an audience. His most recent mini-series Taken was one of the best things I have ever seen in my entire life. Now add the additional automatic audience of Stephen King and Peter Straub readers. You already have it made in the shade. This gives you license to make the movie really good rather than just really accessible. It comforts me to know how much Spielberg likes the book. I know he has been wanting to make this television series for quite some time. However, Spielberg producing something doesn't comfort me quite as much as Spielberg directing something. Please, Stevie, make this project your baby. I know you're a busy guy, but if you love the book anywhere as near as much as I do, it would be all that you would eat, sleep, and dream. Bottom line: if you make a great series, you'll rake in the cash. We live in an age of TV on DVD. The better the series, the more DVDs you will sell.
2) Consider making it longer than six hours - TV movies sure do have a lot of commercials. If I remember correctly, on TNT, for each hour of show, there is at least fifteen minutes of commercials. So this takes away an hour and a half, which really makes the series four and a half hours long. To put this in nerd terms - it will end up being about as long as the extended edition of Return of the King. I really don't think this will be enough to properly tell the story. Let's go back to what I consider the best television adaptation of a King book, Mick Garris' production of The Stand. Mick did the best anybody could have in the time period he had to tell the story. The problem was that it just wasn't enough time. It's a long and incredible book, just like The Talisman. The question you have to ask yourself is do you want it to be the best television series it can possibly be, or do you want the general consensus to forever be "it was good, but it could have been better." You only have one shot at this.
3) Or maybe limit commercial breaks - Occasionally something will be shown without commercial interruption. And by that, I mean that a company sponsors the broadcast of the show and has a very long commercial in the middle like an intermission. I believe that commercial breaks won't work so well with The Talisman. Really, when do they work well with television movies? Commercial breaks seem so awkward and forced. Or, even worse, the program is actually written around having television breaks. That makes one aggravating television experience and an even worse DVD experience.
4) Do not make Wolf computer animated - If the last (or first?) Star Wars movies taught us anything, it's that muppets are more realistic than CGI-based characters. I think I can speak for most people out there and say that Wolf is our favorite character in the book. He deserves an actor. A good actor. It doesn't have to be a very well-known actor; just the right one. And if you can't find somebody, there is always Animal. Give him a few tranquilizers and he'll have the character down faster than you can shout "wo-man!"
5) A tip for Ehren Kruger - Here is your screenplay: Go to Amazon. Purchase a copy of The Talisman. Take a red marker and add stage direction. Your job is done. This is my idiotic way of saying that the book is perfect. Adapt the story, don't change the story.
I know that I am being presumptuous by telling you, the movie makers, how to make a movie. I will again stress how close this book is to my heart. Multiply me times at least a million. I know you have all of the pieces in place to make an award-winning mini-series and I am leaving my faith in you to give the book the treatment it deserves. This is our story just as much as it is yours.
Joshua Greenwald